Cutting-edge research for solutions
to modern workplace challenges

Thought leadership, case studies, trends and research to
transform your organisation beyond the traditional. 

March 2024 

Individual Wellbeing Interventions Fall Short  

A study, involving over 46,000 workers across 233 organisations, explored the impact of various individual wellbeing interventions on participants' mental health challenges the prevalent notion that individual-level interventions are the answer to improving worker well-being.

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February 2024 

The Clear Financial Returns On Investing In Employee Wellbeing 

A study analysing 1,600 US companies and drawing from a data set of more than 15 million surveys on wellbeing, revealed a clear correlation: Companies with higher average levels of wellbeing are more valuable, have greater returns on assets, and report higher annual profits. 

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December 2023 

Why Engagement Without Wellbeing Leads To Burnout

Engagement is a powerful catalyst for increased productivity and bottom-line performance. However, when pursued in isolation, it can be a double-edged sword. The intense focus on work without a corresponding emphasis on employee wellbeing can lead to burnout, stress, and a subsequent decline in performance.

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November 2023

The Urgent Need For Modern Wellbeing Tools 

Traditional wellbeing tools are increasingly proving inadequate in addressing the unique stressors of today's brittle, anxious, non-linear, incomprehensible (BANI) world. 

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January 2024 

Why Measuring Employee Wellbeing Is Key To Success

The time has come for businesses to shift from crisis management to a proactive stance, adopting strategies that accurately measure and address mental health concerns before they escalate.

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November 2023

The Crucial Role Of Mental Wellbeing In ESG Strategies

In recent years, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategies have gained prominence. Mental wellbeing emerges as a critical and often overlooked aspect that deserves a central place in corporate ESG strategies.

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